Sunday, July 04, 2004

Week 9

This is the worst journal entry of all. I forgot about it for months. I had listed all I did, but didn't flesh it out till a few days ago. I admit, It's a bit pathetic.

June 28 – July 4

MONDAY, I started the day off with the director’s commentary of In America. It has to be one of the best I’ve heard. It is so honest and appreciative. I then headed to Cancer Research for my three hour contribution. I made a big dent in the collection and priced several books to put out. Some of them were taken off the shelves within minutes of putting them out. It was especially fun day because Eleanor, the manager who seems to be in her late fifties, stayed in the back with me to sort clothes. She is a hoot. We talked about everything we could think of. After I was through for the day I went over to Lauren’s. We looked at some places for me to stay since a big group has taken over my hostel after Thursday. Nothing looks both safe and cost effective, so I will spend a few days on Lauren’s floor. I just have to keep telling myself that everything will be okay. Once I get into things, I am fine. It’s the transition time before things get going that is the hardest. Lauren went home to get a call and Emily and Kristen came over to finish the movie. They loved it too.

WEDNESDAY I volunteered at Cancer Research again. It’s great to spend time with Eleanor. Later, I hang out with Emily and Kristen. I did my laundry with a special whitening material that still left my socks pink.

THURSDAY, I took stuff to Lauren’s apartment bright and early Thursday morning. Kristen and I saw Mystic River at the Prince Charles Cinema. It’s the reduced price cinema on Trafalgar square. I wandered around town for a while before heading to Emily’s to spend the night on her floor.

FRIDAY was my last day to volunteer at Cancer Research. I found a 5 pound certificate to Sainsbury’s, so Eleanor let me keep it as gift for my time there. I spent the night on Laura’s floor.

SATURDAY I saw the Royal Ballet School with Lauren and Kristen. It was amazing and it was only the students. The most captivating piece was the modern dance with quick, angled movements between men dressed in black and a single woman dressed in white.

SUNDAY I went to Hampstead to see where my character lived. It was a nice area. Keats’ home is there along with a strange church that hosts a labyrinth walk. Really too weird to explain.
To celebrate the fourth of July, Emily, Kristen and I went on a party boat sponsored by BUNAC that floated along the industrial side of the Thames. After confusion about where to meet, we had a relatively fun time. It was a little hectic since there was a lot of drinking and carousing with no where to escape, but we stayed together to make out own fun. There was a photographer there for TNT magazine and we learned later that the picture of us was published in the spread about the party. Kinda cool.


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