Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Goodbye Ben

Yesterday, Laura and I went to Ben's going away party. He graduated last semester, and he is finally moving away. The party consisted of the usual snacks and lots of coca cola. We played several rounds of "I never" (alcohol was not used here, so the edge is lessened, but the fun never stops). Somehow I can never be the last one who has done the least. With a larger group Laura was finally gratified with not having to win every round as she had the few times we played before. We left around midnight with an eye to our beds. I was sure to hug Ben since I wasn't sure when I'd get to see him again.

As luck would have it, I saw Ben today. He invited me to go bowling at the campus lanes and we were joined by Luke and Shelby. I had a great time. I bowled my highest ever, 129. I know I need more practice but the company made the game better. After Shelby left for class and the boys played another round, we walked off campus to get caffeine. While acquiring our contraband we were poured on. The rain drenched our clothes and obliterated by middle-age make-up I had completed for intermediate make-up just a few hours before. Evidently the fact that I looked middle-aged was of less concern than the fact that I was wearing lipstick. As you may know, I barely wear the stuff and when I do I choose not to accentuate my smallish lips by giving them color. Maybe I should mix it up and wear lip stick more often. Later, I had to drag myself to calculus so I had to say goodbye again. I'll miss you Ben, wherever you are!

I then closed out my night with the requisite viewing of Scrubs and hours upon hours of write-ups for dramatic literature. Sam and I had a reading log party to complete the gargantuan assignment I swore I would never put off again. We'll see how long that will keep.


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