Sunday, December 19, 2004

the end prompting a begining

I have moved out of the college apartment that I have lived in for the last two and a half years. My room is bare and actually clean. I hung my key on the wall and locked myself out. Very weird.

So, it appears that I have passed all my classes, even calculus. It's really over. Again, very weird. I don't quite feel finished. I still have to send in my grad school applications and write a report on what I used my ORCA grant for. The apps will go out on Tuesday, but the essay will be harder. I have to write about the hectic summer I had with Lynda in Northampton. Writing it up means reliving it. Ugh.

Now all I have to do is relax and prepare for grad school auditions in Feb. Starting a new path in life is a little daunting but incredibly exciting.


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