Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Back in Provo

I am back in the bleak north to cram as much audition training into this last month as I possibly can. I have heard back from all the grad schools I have applied to except the Denver Center whose deadline is not til tomorrow. So far, so good. I have also picked a new contemporary comic monologue which I am attempting to cram in so that I can start work on it next week. I am in Laurie's Auditions class with Logan; we work on a monologue each week with several techniques used to get us out of our heads and into the moment. To give the illusion that we are saying the words for the first time. It's great. I couldn't ask for a better preparation. I am also working with Laurie out of class once a week to get extra feed back.

I am also in Advanced combat and Advanced make-up. In combat, we are reviewing our hand-to-hand training and coreographing a fight. Laura and I are battling it out this week. Eventaully we will move on to rapier and dagger. In make-up, we are setting our own schedules. I will learn to make false beards and review using airbrush make-up with the rest of the class, then break off and do some of my own designs. I want to do another foam-latex prosthetic piece and practice more with airbrush.

Other than classes, I will be attending Sundance Film Festival the last week of January. Logan and I got tickets to a few shows and will wait in line to try to get into a few more. It will be great. And that's pretty much all I have to report at this time.


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