Friday, March 04, 2005

Mishap Maven

Just one thing after another. A few days ago, I was parking my car in front of the ATM when I heard this awful scrapping noise. It took me a second to realize it was the handicap assit hand rail scarring the passenger side of my car. I now have a huge gash on the side of my car. I coudn't believe it had happened. My poor car! I guess I'll have an easier time finding my car in the sea of other silver Ford Taurus models.

Dr. Kim fired the other receptionist, so now I work 9-5 Monday-Thurday. It wouldn't be so bad if we were more busy. As it is now, we only see about two patients a day. The phone only rings about a dozen times, and most of them are sales people or wrong numbers. She has be designing the brochure for the office, but other than that ther is little to do. I finished a book last week and have started on another just to try to keep awake. I hope things pick up. Dr. Kim is really qualified and very personable.


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