Saturday, June 18, 2005

Mishap Maven II

My car looks as if it's had a stroke. The right side had just recently sustained a huge gash (refer to Mishap Maven for details) and now I've lost my passenger side mirror. I was driving to Angela and Kerwin's when I was crowded into the right lane. I corrected a little too far over and connected with an orange construction barrel. The arm structure that holds the mirror is still intact, but the mirror itself just ejected as if in protest of my prior treatment of that side of the car. Once I realized what had happened, I returned to the scene and recovered the mirror. One of these days, I'll try scouring a junk lot for a replacement. Until then, I have to train myself not to glance into the cavity of the mirror and assume that not seeing anything means that I'm in the clear. I actually have to turn around and check to be sure I wont have any more collisions. There must be an end to the madness before I ever consider buying a new, non-used car.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with my motorcycle and if I don't fix it soon, its going to kill me. Cya on Myspace!

1:16 AM  

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