Sunday, March 20, 2005

Inside prep. for an audition

As I sit waiting for my audition, I'm impressed by the feeling that I should have peed before I arrived. So here's the question: should I go relieve myself and risk not being right where they need me when I'm called or do I sit through it with a slight tingle? The tingle is becoming unbearable, so off I go. Then there's another set of choices. I feel the need to - I'll be polite - go number two. There's another woman in here, so I have to decide whether I’ll wait to have more privacy or just let it go. She's making plenty of noise with the paper towel dispenser, so I opt for the quicker route. Unlike most other people, I enjoy going number two in public restrooms. It makes me feel like I have a new bond with the building. It's a lot like taking naps in new locations. All over England and Italy this summer, I leaned back in my chair or stretched out on the ground and bonded with the land - as if I don't really have to rush to see everything like the tourist that I am. I've bonded with Florence, Venice, and Chatsworth in such a fashion (as well as The National Theater and the Tate Modern in the other fashion mentioned above). Once the restroom problem is resolved, I just sit and write things like this to keep my mind off the impending judgment and scrutiny.


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